- Stars: ★★★★
- Path Type: The Nihility
- Release: 2.2
- Obtainable Via: Gacha
Boundless Choreo is a 4-star Light Cone for characters from Nihility Path that is well worth considering, especially for Nihility characters specialized in dealing standard damage, meaning those who don't rely on Damage over Time (DoT).
The Cone provides us with some Critical Chance, a valuable statistic for almost all DPS characters in the game except for the aforementioned DoTers. However, the best part is that it grants us a significant amount of Critical Damage when attacking enemies with a debuff that reduces Defense or Slows them.
Ideally, equip it on non-DoTer DPS characters who can apply these types of effects, or on those who typically want to be accompanied by characters that apply such effects on enemies, as is clearly the case with Acheron.
Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. The wearer deals 24% more CRIT DMG to enemies that are currently DEF reduced or Slowed.
Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 10%. The wearer deals 30% more CRIT DMG to enemies that are currently DEF reduced or Slowed.
Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. The wearer deals 36% more CRIT DMG to enemies that are currently DEF reduced or Slowed.
Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 14%. The wearer deals 42% more CRIT DMG to enemies that are currently DEF reduced or Slowed.
Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 16%. The wearer deals 48% more CRIT DMG to enemies that are currently DEF reduced or Slowed.