- Stars: ★★★★★
- Release: 1.0
Crimson Witch of Flames is clearly one of those cases of a very powerful Artifact Set, but that few characters can take full advantage of given that it requires some complicated conditions in its effect to equip the 4 pieces.
Of course, it is a set for Pyro characters, especially for those DPS who want to increase their damage and also that of their Elemental Reactions (which Pyro ones are very good). The problem is that to make the most of it, we need a character that stays on the battlefield constantly using their Elemental Skill, something that only characters like Diluc can boast.
It is still a good set for other Pyro characters, in fact, I use it on my Hu Tao and it works great for her. But it is true that it is a pity that only Diluc can take full advantage of the 100% power of this powerful Artifact Set.
+15% Pyro DMG
+7.5% Pyro DMG for 10s after using ES, 3 stacks. +15% Melt and Vaporize DMG. +40% Overloaded, Burning and Burgeon DMG