- Stars: ★★★★★
- Path Type: The Destruction
- Release: 2.3
- Obtainable Via: Gacha
"Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest" is the signature Light Cone of Firefly, and it is an extremely useful Light Cone for Destruction characters who greatly benefit from the Break Effect. Therefore, it is highly recommended for Weakness Break teams.
The Light Cone provides a substantial Break Effect (60% at S1) and also allows us to apply a mark on enemies for 2 turns when we deal Break DMG to them.
This mark increases wearer's Break DMG and significantly reduces the enemies' Speed, which is very useful for keeping them in the Break DMG mode (when they are stunned) for a longer period. This allows us to perform more Super Breaks (the special Break activated by Trailblazer Harmony, although some characters, like Firefly or Boothill, have it in their kit by default).
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 60%. When the wearer deals Break DMG to an enemy target, inflicts Routed on the enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Targets afflicted with Routed receive 24% increased Break DMG from the wearer, and their SPD is lowered by 20%.
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 70%. When the wearer deals Break DMG to an enemy target, inflicts Routed on the enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Targets afflicted with Routed receive 28% increased Break DMG from the wearer, and their SPD is lowered by 20%.
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 80%. When the wearer deals Break DMG to an enemy target, inflicts Routed on the enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Targets afflicted with Routed receive 32% increased Break DMG from the wearer, and their SPD is lowered by 20%.
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 90%. When the wearer deals Break DMG to an enemy target, inflicts Routed on the enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Targets afflicted with Routed receive 36% increased Break DMG from the wearer, and their SPD is lowered by 20%.
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 100%. When the wearer deals Break DMG to an enemy target, inflicts Routed on the enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Targets afflicted with Routed receive 40% increased Break DMG from the wearer, and their SPD is lowered by 20%.